“Every student needs global skills and expanded world views to succeed in our interconnected world.”
Deborah E. Schultz, President, TRANS-BORDERS SOLUTIONS
By collaborating with community-based international resources available in even the smallest towns, TRANS-BORDERS SOLUTIONS has developed curricula to teach basic global navigation skills. The curricula, for grade 6-12 students are practical, experiential and designed for after school, home school and in school programs. Units are tailored to meet specific state standards. Global skills training prepares students for the realities of life and work in today’s world.
Targeted to inner city and rural students with limited international experience, the focus is on hands-on skills that teach how to be global in your own community. |
For students who already have some international exposure, this program develops their interests to a higher level. Initiating their own global projects, interacting with local non-profits who have gone global, and exploring international opportunities in business and higher educationare a few of the ways this program gives motivated students experience and teaches them that global is not only “out there” but within their own communities. |
This project connects local students of all ages with immigrants and other internationals in the U.S. Through student-led interviews, immigrants share their U.S. experiences and aspects of their culture or origin, which leads to deeper understanding of the immigrant experience. |
Global Navigation Skills Program
For students to understand the world and participate globally, be it as actors in their own communities, as exchange students or eventually as business or non-profit leaders, they need to build confidence in their abilities to actually "navigate the world." Basic understanding and skills range from how to get a passport or visa, how to plan an overseas trip, to strategies to sifting through overwhelming global information online or learning the vocabulary necessary for global communication This practical, hands-on, fact based and community resource oriented program assists students" in eight modules including lessons on sustainability, trade, and immigration. |
TRANS-BORDERS SOLUTIONS offers students new ways of thinking about
what “global” actually means. |
Deborah E. Schultz, President
3500 Holly Avenue, Cincinnati, OH 45208
O.513-321-1415 C. 513-374-8219